Registration are now open for new postgraduate Diploma in Executive Maritime Management offered by the World Maritime University (WMU)

« This new Postgraduate Diploma programme is a very exciting opportunity to work with WMU to offer the industry something of unique value, » said Bernhard Löbermann from the DNV GL Maritime Academy. « Maritime executives must stay ahead of a rapidly changing complex set of technological, regulatory, environmental, and commercial factors to deliver optimal performance to their businesses. In recognition of this we have developed a programme, together with DNV GL, that keeps them ahead of the curve, » said Dr. Ilias Visvikis of WMU. « It addresses current topics that are critical to the market and provides a holistic education for maritime managers« , Löbermann adds.

The programme lasts for eleven months, with a new module starting approximately every eight weeks. Participants can combine distance-learning with pre-recorded videos on an e-learning platform, self-assessments and collaboration tools, and classroom-based learning with live instructors, face-to-face discussions, hands-on exercises and access to online material. To ensure that the programme adapts to the educational needs of each participant, a different method of delivery can be selected for each individual module.
When participants successfully complete the five modules of the Diploma, they will be invited to attend the annual WMU Graduation Ceremony in Malmö, Sweden, where degrees are conferred by the Chancellor of WMU, the Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

The five modules cover key issues in the maritime industry, including safety, technology, financial, environmental and leadership issues :

1) Setting the Scene: Contemporary Global Maritime Regulatory and Management Issues in the Shipping Sector
2) Remaining Competitive in a Changing Market: Strategic Financial Tools
3) Managing Resources: Human Resource Management, Organisational Processes and Leadership in a Maritime Context
4) Mastering Complexity: Effective Management of Safety, Security and Risk
5) Staying Ahead of the Curve: Maritime Environmental Technology, Sustainability and Challenges

Registration is open now and will close at the end of June. Courses will begin in September 2015.

For more information visit the Diploma’s website :

or contact DNV GL at :

About DNV GL

Driven by our purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment, DNV GL enables organizations to advance the safety and sustainability of their business. Operating in more than 100 countries, our 16,000 professionals are dedicated to helping our customers in the maritime, oil & gas, energy and other industries to make the world safer, smarter and greener.

About WMU

Founded in 1983 by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), a specialized agency of the United Nations, WMU is a centre of excellence for maritime postgraduate education and research. WMU offers MSc, PhD programmes and Postgraduate Diplomas as well as Executive and Professional Development courses.


Marine & Oceans
Marine & Oceans
La revue trimestrielle MARINE & OCÉANS est éditée par la "Société Nouvelle des Éditions Marine et Océans". Elle a pour objectif de sensibiliser le grand public aux principaux enjeux géopolitiques, économiques et environnementaux des mers et des océans. Informer et expliquer sont les maîtres mots des contenus proposés destinés à favoriser la compréhension d’un milieu fragile.   Même si plus de 90% des échanges se font par voies maritimes, les mers et les océans ne sont pas dédiés qu'aux échanges. Les ressources qu'ils recèlent sont à l'origine de nouvelles ambitions et, peut-être demain, de nouvelles confrontations.

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